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Data, data, data. I’ve tried many data organization systems in the past 6 years and I’m loving this new trick! Let me share my new favorite data organization tip with you!

This is my data sheet master binder. To make it, I grabbed a binder, a binder cover (optional, but pretty) and dividers. I set up a section for each of my students. At the beginning of the year (and whenever I create or update data sheets), I place a master data sheet here, within the corresponding student section. Then when students are low on data sheets, I can grab the master binder sheet and run and make copies. Or better yet, my aides can grab it and make copies when they are working with students. No need to interrupt me or wait for me to print a new one. It’s very convenient, not much work and takes up hardly any space.

You can use a data sheet master binder for pretty much any data collection system. I have individual student data binders. You can use clipboards or post its or whatever. The best part about using a master binder is that all of your data sheets are in the same place and easy to find! Super easy, super quick and super effective. Let me know if you’re going to try this out this school year!

Also, if you;re looking for some super cute binder covers, check out these options in my TpT store.




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