I’ve been loving podcasts lately! Listening to them as I get ready in the morning gets my brain out of sleep mode and slowly helps me transition to thinking about work, without overwhelming myself with my daily to do list. Today I’m sharing 5 of my favorite podcasts. I challenge you to check out one of them this week and let me know what you think!

Teaching Exceptionally Podcast by the Council for Exceptional Children
This is a great way to make sure you are up to date with current research and best practices. Instead of trying to find time to read research and articles, you can just listen to them. I just finished an episode called Teachers Training Paraprofessionals and it was super helpful!
ABA Inside Track
This is another one that will help you stay up to date on current research in the ABA field. We all know how tedious and boring it can be to read research, not to mention, who has time for that?! The hosts discuss different research practices and how to apply them to your teaching. Super informative & highly recommended!
The Chalk Full of Life Podcast
This podcast by Kelli Wise is full of tips to balance your teacher life and get rid of the teacher tired! I really like her tips for managing stress and I'm looking forward to future episodes. If you're feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, try listening to this one. Kelli really puts things into perspective!
TED Talks Education
This podcast discusses critical issues in education. I think that it's so important for special educators to be aware and knowledgeable about the trends and issues faced in education. It's also a great place to find inspirational stories
Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers
Angela Watson is the creator of the 40 hour workweek club and author of several books for educators. In her podcast, she talks about everything from decreasing teacher stress and anxiety to tips to build relationships with students. I really love how this podcast gets me thinking critically about the things I am doing in my classroom and how I can improve to connect to every student, every day.
I’d love to hear your favorites if I missed them! Leave me a comment below. Have a great week, friends!
