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I am soooooo soooooo sooooo excited to share this with you! {Yes, really, that excited!}

I have seen a lot of adapted, interactive books making their way onto my Pinterest feed and, while I love the idea behind them, to be honest, that's a lot of printing and laminating and Velcro. And I just don't have the time or the money for it right now. Thus, "Click It Books" came about. No prep AND no print! Easy, peasy, lemon pie!

Download these on to your computer or iPad {or iPod or iPhone or Android whatever} and open them up in your basic PDF reader, like iBooks or Adobe Reader. And voila, you have an interactive, adapted book for students! That's it! No printing, no laminating, no sticky Velcro scissors.

Here are a few pages from my Warning & Safety Signs Click It Book. Students read the page and click on the correct sign.

If they get it right, they see this page.

If they get it wrong, they see this page and get a chance to try again.

There are three options to choose from. "Read It" just shows the definition and picture of the sign. Students read the page and go to the next page. Then there is the option to choose the sign from an array of 3 or 4. Each option has a review page for students to go back and review the signs they missed for repetitive practice.

New Click It Books will be posted in my store each week. {There's a FREE Winter Counting one there now!} Check out my video to see them in action on my Instagram page, @missluluspecialed. If you have any special requests for topics, I'd love to hear them! Leave a comment and let me know what you would like to see!




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